Scalloped Hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) is an endangered species which its populations have been declining globally including in Indonesia, the world’s top shark fishing country. However, there is a lack of information on the recent population structure of this species to promote proper management ...
Knowledge of continental shelf faunal biodiversity of Antarctica is patchy and as such, the ecology of this unique ecosystem is not fully understood. To this end, we deployed baited cameras at 20 locations along ~ 500 km of the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) at depths from 90 to 797 m. We identified ...
State fish and wildlife agencies rely on hunters and anglers (i.e., sportspersons) to fund management actions through revenue generated from license sales and excise taxes on hunting and fishing equipment. There is a need to develop new techniques that bridge the information gap on participation and ...
While flow is known to be a major driver of estuarine ecosystems, targeted flow manipulations are rare because tidal systems are extremely variable in space and time, and because the necessary infrastructure is rarely available. In summer 2018 we used a unique water control structure in the San Francisco ...
Background Mountain environments are fragile socio-ecological systems and the conservation of their biological and cultural diversities— seen as co-evolving, strongly intertwined entities—represents a crucial issue for fostering their sustainability. Very few ethnobiological studies have assessed in ...
This article focuses on designing an energy-efficient image recognition system for marine monitoring. One of the main challenges of an underwater imaging system is the strict power consumption constraints due to the limited on-site resources. Considering the need for continuous operation in different ...
Harmful algae blooms (HABs) cause acute effects on marine ecosystems due to their production of endogenous toxins or their enormous biomass, leading to significant impacts on local economies and public health. Although HAB monitoring has been intensively performed at spatiotemporal scales in coastal ...
Whilst the demand for nutritious and sustainable seafood is increasing, fishing yields are declining due to overfishing and climate change. The inshore aquaculture of marine molluscs—e.g., the suspension-feeding cockle Cerastoderma edule for NW Europe—might be an alternative practice if cost-effective ...
The development of environmentally sustainable plant and fish production in aquaponic systems requires a complete understanding of the systems' biological components. In order to better understand the role of microorganisms in this association, we studied the bacterial communities in the dry, root, ...
Stress triggers a battery of physiological responses in fish, including the activation of metabolic pathways involved in energy production, which helps the animal to cope with the adverse situation. Prolonged exposure to stressful farming conditions may induce adverse effects at the whole-animal level, ...
Background The common cockle Cerastoderma edule plays an important ecological role in the marine ecosystem both as an infaunal engineer (reef forming and bioturbation) and a food source for protected bird species in its European range. Cockle beds are found in close proximity to aquaculture and fisheries ...
With the continuous progress of science and technology, people's production and lifestyle which has lasted for thousands of years are also changing quietly. More and more things, people, data, and the Internet are connected together, which also makes the power of big data calculation and mining increase ...
We developed, validated, and confirmed with proficiency tests a fast ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector (UHPLC-DAD) method to determine histamine in fish and fishery products. The proposed method consists of two successive solid–liquid extractions: one with a dilute ...
The COVID-19 pandemic highlights that we exist in a global community. From a single city, it spread to 188 countries across the world and infected 30 million people by September 18, 2020. Decades of modeling pandemics predicted potential consequences, but COVID-19's impact on the food supply chain, ...
Abstract Conventional observations show spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthius Linnaeus) rarely eat Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua Linnaeus; 0.02% of stomachs) in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Critics express concern that digestion may limit species‐level prey identification, and with recovery from overfishing, ...
Caribbean Acropora spp. corals have undergone a decline in cover since the second half of the twentieth century. Loss of these architecturally complex and fast-growing corals has resulted in significant, cascading changes to the character, diversity, and available eco-spaces of Caribbean reefs. Few ...
In spite of many decades of research, the spawning migration of the European eel Anguilla anguilla from the European coast to the Sargasso Sea remains a mystery. In particular, the role of the swimbladder as a buoyancy regulating structure is not yet understood. In this study, we exercised silver eels ...
Recruitment is one of the dominant processes regulating fish population productivity. It is, however, notoriously difficult to predict, as it is the result of a complex multi-step process. Various fine-scale drivers might act on the pathway from adult population characteristics to spawning behaviour ...
In 2015, the Pacific marine heat wave, low river flows, and record high water temperatures in the Columbia River Basin contributed to a near-complete failure of the adult migration of endangered Snake River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, NOAA Fisheries 2016). These extreme weather events may become ...