The Sentinel 1 constellation with its early morning and evening pass is well-adapted to the geological study of the Baie des Veys, a French macrotidal bay. Whereas most of the satellites allow mapping only half of the surface of the bay, about 75% can be seen with Sentinel 1. A base comprising 641 Sentinel ...
SAR remote sensing has been attractive as an efficient tool to monitor a vast expanse of the ocean due to its flexible operability with wide swath. In this context, many applications have been developed for ocean traffic monitoring based on conventional ship detection techniques. Nowadays, ScanSAR modes ...
Abstract Filter-feeding organisms accumulate xenobiotics and other substances in their tissues. They can be useful as sentinel organisms in biomonitoring of the marine compartment. Bivalve cellular immunity is ensured by phagocytosis and cytotoxic reactions carried out by hemocytes in a network with ...
Mangroves provide a variety of irreplaceable functions such as coastline protection, bay improvement, water purification and wetland diversity protection. However, mangroves are fragile ecosystems and are affected by human activities and climate change. Long-term monitoring on mangroves is of great ...
Biogenic oil film is a natural surface film that is usually derived from marine flora and fauna and has been frequently observed around aquaculture facilities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of detecting biogenic oil films near aquaculture facilities using SAR data. An automated ...
Due to the extensive spatial and temporal coverage of ocean satellite data products, these data have great potential for operational oceanographic applications. Yet these data are underutilized in many operational activities of NOAA, including stock assessments. Here we describe two different efforts ...
Reliable information on water quality is not currently available at the space and time scales that are required for aquaculture and other resource management needs. For example, shellfish growing areas may be impacted by harmful algal blooms or runoff from land that increases turbidity, lowers salinity, ...
Red tide is a type of harmful algal bloom that may cause detrimental effects on the coastal environment as well as to the aquaculture farms in the coastal zone. This study investigates the use of a multispectral camera onboard an unmanned aerial vehicle for mapping red tide intensity in oceanic waters. ...
Abstract Xylem vascular wilt pathogens cause devastating diseases in plants. Proliferation of these pathogens in the xylem causes massive disruption of water and mineral transport, resulting in severe wilting and death of the infected plants. Upon reaching the xylem vascular tissue, these pathogens ...
Marine biofouling represents a global economic and ecological challenge and few eco-friendly antifouling agents are available. The aim of this work was to establish the proof of concept that a recently synthesized nature-inspired compound (gallic acid persulfate, GAP) can act as an eco-friendly and ...
Waste fishing nets were utilized as recycled nylon (RN) short fiber to improve the mechanical properties of cement mortar. RN and manufactured polyethylene (PE) fibers were added to polymer cement mortar (PCM) as a reinforcement, and fiber-reinforced PCM was sprayed on the section of reinforced concrete ...
Notoscopelus resplendens is an abundant myctophid in the region of the Central-Eastern Atlantic. As with a majority of other myctophid species, this species performs vertical migration, playing a key role in the oceanic food web and in carbon sequestration. We examined the reproductive biology of N. ...
Stable isotope mixing models are regularly used to provide probabilistic estimates of source contributions to dietary mixtures. Whilst Bayesian implementations of isotope mixing models have become prominent, the use of appropriate diet-tissue discrimination factors (DTDFs) remains as the least resolved ...
Knowledge of community resilience aids the development of strategies to mitigate the impacts of a disturbance. An extreme low-seawater temperature event in late January and February 2008 resulted in high fish mortality in the coastal waters of the Penghu Islands, Taiwan. In this study, we used underwater ...
There is a growing interest in determining fatty acid reference intervals from pregnancy cohort, especially considering the lack of reference values for pregnant women in the literature and the generalized misconception of equating reference intervals for nonpregnant women as equivalent to pregnant ...
The Atlantic Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara) population has rebounded from near extinction to an international status as vulnerable due in part to regional species recovery efforts. The southeastern US population has been recovering with the main spawning locations off the coasts of Florida. Despite ...
Hypervirulent Aeromonas hydrophila (vAh) is an emerging pathogen in freshwater aquaculture systems. In the U.S.A., outbreaks of motile aeromonad septicemia associated with vAh result in the loss of over 3 million pounds of channel catfish from Southeastern production systems each year. A. hydrophila ...
Grass carp is an important commercial fish widely cultivated in China. A wide range of temperatures, particularly extremely low temperatures, have dramatic effects on the aquaculture of this teleost. However, relatively few studies have characterized the molecular responses of grass carp exposed to ...
Simple Summary Protection of the coastal ecosystem from hazardous heavy metals is vital as it provides valuable habitat for numerous fish species and is a key resource for the coastal communities. Gadani shipbreaking is the third largest shipbreaking in the world, located on the coastline of Balochistan, ...
The southern Humboldt Current ecosystem is an important topic among researchers working on the drivers of pelagic species’ biological indicators. While sea surface temperature is believed to be a major driver in anchovies’ (Engraulis ringens) reproductive and body condition indicators, this paper shows ...